SwimFast™ FAQs

Copyright © James Rudisill.  All Rights Reserved.  NO Duplication, Copying or Use Permitted Without Express Written Permission.

SwimFast Lessons


What is the cost?

For the 45 minute classes, running Monday through Friday for two consecutive weeks the cost per child is $350. There are no discounts for multiple child families, but we DO have partial refunds if withdrawn by the end of the first Wednesday’s class of that session (see Refund Policy below)

Is this where they throw the kids in the first day?

NOBODY DOES THAT. Competitors have spread that rumor for years. If you heard that, it was from someone who hasn't been in the program. However, we also are not here to put floats on the kids and play games. We don't want to get the kids more likely to jump in when you're not looking, but unable to save themselves if they do. And they won't control the pace of the lessons. We have a set of steps and techniques that must follow a certain progression for us to get the youngsters across the pool on their own in two weeks, and we'll keep moving. Your time, money, and most importantly your child's safety are too important for us to do otherwise.

Do I get in the water?

No, you'll be off the pool deck, most likely in the parking lot. We would actually get less done, especially with the very young ones, if you were more present than that. However, if you get your youngster in the water somewhere else during the two week period, that would be great. BUT DON'T PUSH--we'll do that here; you just let them have fun and reinforce that aspect of acclimation.

How many sessions do you recommend for beginners?

One two-week session should do it, but most—especially the youngest-- benefit from a second, two-week session for the confidence to “catch-up” to the skill level they attained in the first session. Remember, the large majority will be swimming in two weeks because we go at a pace that they can handle, but might resist. We want to get them safe first; another sign-up helps them settle into that pace and relax a little more in the water.

What if my child is upset?

If you have a beginner--any age, but especially 5 and under--there will be resistance. Expect that. And remind yourself that we have been effectively dealing with all levels of fear and resistance for decades.The younger they are, the more they depend on fussing to get their point across. We'll work with that. They'll fuss about being away from you, being with a stranger, or just about not wanting to do what they're being told, even before the natural fear level kicks in. For most of them this is when they'll learn that you do some things even if you don't want to. But they'll come out of it stronger, more self-confident, and most importantly safer than when they began.

What if my child doesn't want to come back?

Drowning is the leading cause of unexpected death for 5 and unders in this country. That may sound melodramatic, but it's true--it is a very real threat that we're looking to minimize by getting the youngsters safer in the water. A normal kid--a normal adult--is going to have to face and conquer fear. But when there’s an immanent threat, we need to work through it NOW. We'll work with that; We’ve had great success working thousands of fearful kids through that; you work on being resolute at home that lessons will continue until your youngster is safe. Positively reinforce what we've been doing for three decades successfully, and come in for a pep talk if you need it. It is absolutely normal for this to be harder on a Mom or Dad than the little ones that we're empowering. But know this: it won't be easier next year--every year older without getting safe in the water increases the resistance and fear level. Stick with it--you'll be glad you did, while possibly preventing an unspeakable loss.

How young do you take them?

The children must be at least 30 months and potty trained for four months by the first day of lessons.

Can my two kids be in the same class?

Same hour, yes. Same class of 5, not likely. We will evaluate the youngsters the first day according to skill level, and sometimes even age and size, and then put them in groups of like individuals. But if you have two of your own in the same class and don't think that will work well (you know that better than we), talk to the program director or supervisory staff, and we'll evaluate more closely.

I can't make my registered time this Wednesday. Can I come to a different time that day?

No. Sorry, the only time we'll do a make-up is if for some reason the pool is closed on a particular day. Once the classes are set, that's it. We won't put strays into your child's small class, and we won't do that the other way around. Get to the pool as many times as possible in the two weeks, and we'll get as much accomplished--and often more--than any other lesson program in the greater Philadelphia area.

If my child has a cold and can't make it for a day, can I make that class up?

No, Sorry. See above.

My child is 5 and doesn’t fit into most water diapers. What do I do?

First, don’t wait until right before the lessons start to ask this. You might want to have them delivered. But if you google “swim diapers for older kids”, you should find plenty of options—both disposable and re-useable types.